Basic Forex Pack


When making any options, the reward ratio is the first factor taken into account, and recommendations with an unacceptable risk:reward ratio are disregarded

We created our product with all the market’s basics in mind. In order to provide you with daily trading signals, suggestion, and advice in major currency pairs including EUR/USD, USD/JPY, GBP/USD, EUR/GBP, GBP/JPY, EUR/CHF, and others, we evaluate price volatility, chart patterns, and fundamental factors.

How recommendations are made

Telegram and Whatsapp are both open for recommendations.

Details of services

  • Daily recommendations of 2 to 3
  • On a monthly basis,our team tries to maintain a high degree of accuracy.
  • Routine follow-ups Follow-ups on recommendations and open positions must be completed.
  • Important economic and news items include ECB monetary policy, FED minutes, and foreign exchange reserves.
  • World Market developments.
  • Periodical News Letter.

Trading guidelines

Trading guidelines As well as providing goals, we may also change them if we believe the transaction to be significant.

Select Your Plan

1 Months


3 Months


6 Months
